Reduce body acidity

If the body has too much acid, it will lowers your oxygen supply and slows down you ATP energy production. This can result with muscle fatigue, slow mental reaction, less stamina and premature aging.

To prevent your body turning acidic, cut off or cut down consumption of refined sugar, dairy, alcohol and coffee.

To increase alkalinity in the body, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of purified water and drink up to two glasses a day.

The following comparisons to identify yourself if you have highly alkaline body or highly acidic body:

  • Have a lots of energy, especially after eating a high protein meal
  • Have healthy, comfortable digestion
  • Possess great physical endurance
  • Have a strong immune system (rarely get colds or the flu)
  • Have thick, strong bones and muscles
  • Feel very tired after exercise of physical work
  • Feel sluggish in the morning
  • Experience frequent flus, colds or respiratory problems
  • Have a weak disgestive tract
  • Feel lethargic after drinking wine or eating a meal with meat

    Susan Lark, M.D.