Flu & Cold

Now the autumn has arrived. Great temperature fluctuation. It's time to think of preventive measures to ward off cold and flu.

Flu shot is not the answer to prevent flu. First, the flu shot is developed from the flu virus of the past and if HIV flu has any indication, the flu can change DNA and will render the flu shot ineffective. According to the study conducted by the the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the winter of 2003 with millions of flu shots only around a 2% difference in infection rates - not statistically significant. Another study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, based on three decades of data found that flu shots administered to the elderly had not saved any life.

According to Julian Whitaker, M.D., flu shots may cause neurological damage and partial paralysis. I wonder would it be possible caused by the additives in the flu shot -Thimerosal (a mercury derivative added as a preservative) Formaldehyde (to kill viruses) Aluminum (to promote antibody response) Ethylene glycol (also known as antifreeze, used in vaccines as a disinfectant).

How do you ward off cold and flu?

You build your own immune system by doing the following:
  • Eat a balanced nutritious diet - small serving of meat, chicken etc, a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and olive oil.
  • Do moderate exercise like brisk walking, golfing, gardening, or house cleaning. No strenuous exercise.
  • Deprived of adequate sleep is the easiest way to weaken your immune system. Do allow yourself at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
  • Another window for the germs and virus is caused by stress. Try manage stress by doing some meditation with deep breathing exercise.
    Add an extra serving of vitamins C to the total of 1000mg, may help fight colds and flu.
  • Selenium seems to be an effective flu fighter but make sure you do not overdose, from nuts and supplements, the total should not be over 200 mcg.
  • A low dosage of Zinc, 15mg, is another supplement you may want to take to ward off a cold.